Community Applications

In a community, PI work can be seen as a “first step” in a criminal or civil case- 

Involved in a hit and run, and only have a picture of a license plate? 

Trying to find a missing family member, but only have a name?

Trying to start a new business, and want to do thorough background checks on employees? 

Wondering about the abandoned dog across the street,  but all you have is an address? 

These are just a few small things that a PI can assist with within a community. 

What Happens When There’s Nothing To Find?

Although the most widely read stories about pi work are about what they discovered during surveillance, there is another possibility to be explored-

What if there’s nothing to find? What if, for example, your partner isn’t cheating?

Of course, Space coast Investigations has had its cases where there was nothing to discover. For example, a woman wanted her husband followed because she believed he was cheating. However, it turns out there was nothing going on; after being watched for sometime, the husband never engaged in adulterous activity.

In another very recent example, we actually had a set up going as planned- a man we were doing surveillance on for his fiancé was hitting on one of our PI’s, Gina. He was telling her how beautiful she was, and Gina thought “oh no..” she really wanted good news for her client. The man actually ended up circling the conversation to his fiancé- he started professing how much he loved her, and how he would never do anything to hurt her. However, he knows he has a problem with flirting that he needed to work on.

While others may see this as a failure, it is quite the opposite- this is still a successful investigation. A conclusion was reached, and now the wife can take the next step; why did I think he was cheating? What’s going on that I need to address to fix my suspicions?

Is Hiring a PI Legal?

“Is it illegal to hire a private investigator?”

This question is actually quite common, and the answer is simple; no! Hiring a PI is completely legal and well within your rights. You don’t need to be represented by a lawyer, a big company, or have any kind of referral.

There is nothing illegal about wanting a price of mind about issues you can’t, or don’t know how to deal with on your own. A person can’t discover a cheating scandal, collect evidence for a custody case, etc. all by themselves. That extra help you gain from professionals who have been through the process is refreshing and takes the weight off your shoulders no matter what situation you’re dealing with.


Background Checks

Another application of PI work that’s not usually thought of is background checks. 

While most people think background checks are reserved for employers, this isn’t always the only use- 

What about that new guy you’re dating? 

Or the independent contractor about to do work inside your home? 

Or the babysitter you hired online to watch your kids? 

Or the company YOU are about to start working for? 

While there are websites that offer background checks on individuals, these aren’t as thorough as what you would get from a PI. We know the information you want, and what you want to figure out; is this person trustworthy? Hence, we can dig out specific pieces of a persons (or businesses) background and present you with somewhat of a portfolio as to who they really are. 

Do I Really Need A PI?

When going to hire a PI, people often have thoughts like these;

-Is this worth spending money on?

-can’t I just do this myself?

-am I going to seem crazy?

And mostly,

-is my problem even important enough to hire a PI for?

At Space Coast Investigations, no problem is too fickle for our utmost attention and effort. Even if you think you have no chance at winning custody of your children, or the only piece of evidence for your partner cheating is a gut feeling, we will not judge, we will give it our all to be of assistance to you. Sometimes, asking for help is necessary, and isn’t something to be ashamed of. No one is “crazy” for wanting a professionals help at getting closure or at least peace of mind, and no problem in your life isn’t “important” enough.

Team Qualifications

When entrusting your private matters to anyone, especially a stranger, it’s important to know these are people you can trust. When people come to us for private investigation services, they are trusting complete strangers with often sensitive and very intimate information. Our team, as well as being a group of trustworthy and professional individuals, includes the following-

-former police officers

-homicide investigators

-missing persons experts

-legal experts

These individuals' experience makes them uniquely essential to a private investigations team.

World Wide Applications- Edwin Atherton

What is worldwide applications?

Worldwide applications is a weekly post where we review a significant case where private investigation services were used. Do you know of any cases involving a PI you would like featured? Send us a DM or comment down below!

Edwin Atherton

In 1935, the San Francisco police force was exposed when circulating accounts of bribery, among other indecent acts, sent the public into an uproar. District Attorney Matt Brady and Mayor Angelo Rossi moved quickly to hire FBI agent turned PI, Edwin Atherton.

The subsequent two million word report Atherton wrote about his findings, aptly named “Atherton Report”, exposed numerous instances of corruption within the San Francisco police force.

The exposure and pressure caused many corrupt officers to either lose their jobs or quit. Eventually, all were forced to resign. Atherton was appointed High Commissioner of the Pacific Coast Conference, to make his suggested changes and reforms.

Sources- The 1937 San Francisco Police Graft Report by Edwin Atherton

Wikipedia contributors. "Edwin Atherton." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 13 Jan. 2021. Web. 21 Feb. 2021.

World Wide Applications- James McParland

- What is worldwide applications?

Worldwide applications is a weekly post where we review a significant case where private investigation services were used. Do you know of any cases involving a PI you would like featured? Send us a DM or comment down below!

- James McParland

James McParland was a Private Detective in the 1870s. He is most well known for his work that led to the dismantling of the group known as the Molly Maguires, a group of activist coal miners in Pennsylvania.

The Mollies were known for committing violent beatings and murders in mining districts, as they believed they had been wronged by wealthy railway directors who neglected to pay them a proper wage. Meanwhile, these directors were busy enjoying luxurious private train cars and the like.

James McParland was hired by Franklin B. Gowen, the President of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, and the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company. Gowen was considered the wealthiest coal mine owner in the world. Using a fake name, McParland infiltrated the group and became one of its secretaries.

Although there is controversy surrounding the outcome of the case, the fact remains that the evidence McParland was able to gather and report played a major role in the eventual arrest and sentencing of 10 Molly Maguire members who were involved in reprisal killings and assassinations.

Source- Wikipedia contributors. "James McParland." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 30 Jan. 2021. Web. 21 Feb. 2021.

Should I hire a Private Investigator to follow my Husband/Wife?

It seems like every person I talk to, as soon as I tell them what I do for a living, their immediate response turns to referencing cheating cases. They will reference the show “Cheaters” and their eyes light up with the excitement of catching people’s wives and husbands “in the act.” I mean, c’mon, we can all admit to reveling in the drama of fists flying and tears flowing during the “Confrontation.”

The truth is, there is a lot more to my career than catching spouses partaking in indiscretions. In fact, 80% of cases that I work are in reference to custody issues. As a Private Investigator, i have always tried to steer away from working cheating spouse cases. Why? Because there is a whole different level of emotions that are involved with a case of that nature than any other case I have worked.

When I get a phone call from a client who is eager to obtain evidence of their spouse cheating, the conversations is always the same. There is always hesitation. It’s typically their first time ever hiring a P.I. and they are worried about being caught. They don’t want to be misconstrued as THAT person. The person who resorts to “stalking” their partner. Because we all know that once you start looking into your spouses phone and following him/her around, you have officially reached the level of desperation and what some would call “psycho” status.

But let’s be real for a second here. How many people have wasted years of their lives with the wrong person. How many times have you, yourself, looked back and thought, “I wish I had known this or I wish I had known that.” You can’t put a price tag on the value of time. Typically by the time someone calls me, they have already spent years with their significant other. Typically its during a time that they are rounding a corner and considering taking the next step in a relationship. Doubt and fear will always exist in any relationship regardless of what the relationship has endured. However, the red flags are what really matters. And let’s face it, if you have instincts that something is going on, you certainly won’t be getting the answers that you need from your spouse!

Bottom line: You have a right to know. It is your right to pursue the truth and get the answers you need in order to make an educated decision to choose your own life path. Hiring a private investigator will give you the closure that you need and deserve.

Attorney/Private Investigator. Who do I hire first?

If I had a dime for every time a client who has come to me after spending thousands of dollars on attorneys with no result, I could retire. Sadly, a lot of the reason for the lack of positive results in the courtroom is due to lack of solid evidence. In the courtroom, you only have one shot. You need to go BIG, or go HOME.

Very rarely do clients reach out to me because their life is going great. Not only have they had the ongoing challenges of their legal battle but typically by the time they call me, they have already exhausted all of their life savings and retirement towards attorney fees with little to no progress made on their case. Evidence and patterns should be obtained and documented months even years before a court case even occurs. In a perfect world, a client would contact a private investigator before even calling an attorney and have all of the necessary evidence all wrapped up in a bow ready to present in court. But that rarely happens. Everyones first instinct is to call an attorney. But what if I told you that I have seen clients gather so much evidence that they don’t even need to hire an attorney saving them thousands of dollars. This happens typically when the other party is made aware of the evidence that has been collected and agrees to settle the case out of court. Overwhelming evidence may also give the client the flexibility of battling his/her case on their own (pro se).

Any attorney who steers you away from hiring a private investigator is only wanting all of the money to themselves. Why would an attorney NOT want their client obtaining evidence to strengthen their case? The only reason would be simply because they don’t care if you win your case or not. They are getting paid either way. If you ever want to find out if an attorney is truly working your case to win, first find out if they are on board with working with a private investigator. Then you will have your answer.

I have several attorneys who pass cases to me who KNOW that presenting evidence in the courtroom is key to winning a case. They do not take their clients money to drain them of their funds. They take their clients money to put it to good use utilizing resources to assist with winning your case. And these have been the most successful attorneys that I have worked with.

So how do you know if a Private Investigator is necessary for your case? To determine that, start by asking yourself these questions:

Is the opposing side making statements against you that are not true?

If so, are you able to provide evidence proving otherwise?

What are some things that you know going into court that the opposing side may lie about?

You want to be completely prepared to negate any of the opposing statements to discredit them.

Are you aware of something that is occurring that you know will strengthen your case but you just can’t obtain the evidence necessary to prove it?

An attorney can subpoena records which may be helpful to your case. But an attorney cannot legally go out in the field and collect hard evidence. It is very difficult to argue against pictures and video proof.

If you are in need of a Private Investigator to help with your case. Call our office at 321-419-3238

Cheating during Covid-19 Quarantine

A true test to a relationship is when hardships occur when couples are thrown into challenging situations that
require communication and compromise. The recent pandemic and the lifestyle changes that have occurred as a result of Covid 19 has caused people to have strained marriages. People are finding ways to cheat on their significant others to escape from reality. While you are at home taking care of the kids or even while you are at work, your significant other may be out with a different agenda. It is sad and upsetting, we know. But we are here to help you uncover the truth, so you can make an informed decision of what steps you want to take in your marriage or relationship.  

Ways they may find to cheat

 People are finding different ways to cheat and avoid getting caught. With the growing technology, it is hard to keep up with the different avenues. Some people are texting, calling, and sending pictures back and forth via secret messaging apps without even leaving the house. These are the ones that are difficult to catch in the act since they never physically touching another person and the trace of messages can be easily erased from existence.  Others meet up in discreet places such as parking lots or hotels. Whatever strategies they are using to cheat, it is particularly important to remain one step ahead without making it obvious that you are keeping your eye on them. Hiring a Private Investigator can help you become removed from the situation. A Private Investigator can set up meetings with your spouse or significant other and simulate chats to catch them cyber-sexting or chatting. They can also follow your spouse or significant other from the house when you know that he or she is leaving. They can obtain video and pictures of the interaction between your significant other and the people he or she is meeting up with. A GPS can also be used in certain circumstances. 

If you feel like you are being cheated on and aren’t able to find out and investigate yourself, give us a call. We will be more than happy to investigate for you and obtain all the information you need.


Divorce in a No Fault State

 Florida is a no-fault state (meaning that either party may be granted a divorce without the need to prove wrong-doing on the other spouse).  This fact, however, does not stop people from wanting to know the truth about whether their spouse has been cheating on them.   Space Coast Investigations has worked several fidelity cases and 90% of the clients simply want answers for the purpose of needing to know their next steps and whether they want to pursue a divorce. 


Even though Florida is a no fault state, there are cases where an attorney may recommend hiring a private investigator if the couple has mutual children involved in the divorce.  The reason for this is because if a  spouse is committing adultery and making wreckless decisions, it may reflect poorly on her abilitty to make good decisions for the children.  The act of adultery could potentially have an adverse affect on the child and therefore can be used as evidence in a custody case.  We have had several cases referred to us by attorneys who were questioning the “moreal fitness” of the oppostite spouse and wanted video evidence that they were carrying on a relationship with another person.  In cases like these, we would also run background checks to see if the person that the spouse is spending time with has a criminal history.  If they have an unsuitable character, this may also strenghthen the case to show that the spouse is making poor decisions for her family.

Proof of infidelity has also been known to help spouses collect more alimony as well.   

Hiring a Private Investigator

There are all types of services: Cleaning services, auto repair services, child care services, etc.  The list goes on.  But it's not every day that someone finds themselves needing to hire the services of a Private Investigator.  Unfortunately, most people who seek out the use of Private Investigators are those who are going through some type of turmoil or stress where answers are desperately needed. Therefore, hiring a private investigator can be scary, and somewhat confusing. 

If you are reading this, chances are you are one of those who are considering hiring a Private Detective for you or a loved one.  If so, what are some of the factors that you would take into consideration when choosing a Private Detective? What is most important to you?  Confidentiality?  Affordable Prices?  Qualifications? 


When you hire a housekeeper or an auto mechanic, confidentiality is very rarely a concern.  When dealing with Private Investigations, one of the most sensitive subjects is confidentiality.  Clients feel very vulnerable when they make a decision to not only hand over money to a stranger but also hand over details of their lives.  Other than a therapist, how many other professionals do you know that require you to give personal details of your life before even proceeding with the service? Depending on the circumstance, the client normally has to give their address and the names and addresses of other parties involved.  It can be very scary to give this information out to stranger when you know that you can't ever take it back.  Prices and contracts can always be negotiated but you can't put a price on your privacy.  

Lucky for you, Private investigators are bound to a statute that requires them to keep your information confidential (Section 493.6122).  Private Investigators can get into some pretty deep trouble if they are caught divulging information to individuals outside of their agency.  Not only can they lose their license, but they can be sued by the client for large sums of money.  So unless you're a celebrity and your story is worth more than the repercussions of sharing it, chances are, any private investigator that you'll hire is going to stay tight lipped.  



There is a wide range of pricing in the field of private investigations.  Depending on circumstances, you can pay anywhere from $50-150 dollars per hour for surveillance.  Some situations may require two investigators in which case the rate may be doubled or priced at the rate and a half.   Most Agency's charge approximately $500-1000 upfront as a retainer so they are able to book you on their calendar and they can work off of that retainer.  The investigator will normally do a quick consultation and get a few details about the case so he or she can estimate the number of hours it will take to gather the needed information and complete your case.  The retainer is determined by multiplying the hourly rate by the number of hours.  Clients must go into this knowing that results are not guaranteed, otherwise, they will end up being disappointed. 

When deciding on which Agency to hire, always consider your a budget before calling for prices.  Often times, the agency may work around your budget as long as it is reasonable.  Always remember though, it is very difficult for private investigators to work with the pressure of a budget and they may feel the need to cut surveillance short or cut corners that may affect the investigation.  If your case is such that good results will greatly benefit you, always invest wisely in a thorough investigation that will get you those results.   



What makes a private investigator qualified? It depends on the nature of your case.  Some private investigators have a law enforcement background and specialize in criminal investigations but have done very little surveillance. Some have worked in a more undercover capacity and have more experience conducting stationary/mobile and video surveillance.  It is important to ask about the investigators background and be sure that the right investigator is being assigned to your case.  Once you have obtained the name of the investigator, always ask for identification.  To confirm that their certification is valid, you can visit the following link at the Florida Department of Agriculture: 

For many reasons, It's always a good idea to personally meet the investigator who is assigned to your case.  This investigator may eventually be representing you in court. You want to make sure that she presents herself well and is organized and well-spoken.  This could make or break your case.